sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

my ideal job

Nowadays, my ideal job would be definitely a crossfit athlete, because they have everything that in this moment I could think about:
they practice my favorite sport every day of the week, they get paid of practicing it and have a lot of sponsors that support them and when you are not practicing your sport you can do whatever you want, the sport is so flexible that you don't get tired of a routine. Also they can eat everything in any moment and they don't get fat and finally, if you are a crossfit international athlete, you can consider yourself as one of the fittest man or woman on earth.
I have the thought that a complete crossfit athlete is able to do anything he or she wants, a crossfit athlete can run hours, climb, lift heavy weights, swim. They are not afraid of getting injured, and if they get, they keep training and pushing until they heal. A crossfit athlete never surrender, and that is one of the things that I love of this sport.

The worst job I could think about in this moment would be any that I'd have to be in an office the whole day receiving instructions and obligations from a superior. I know that maybe it is not far of a possible future reality, but I really think that a job in an office, with a strict schedule, wouldn't be an enjoyable one. I can't stand the fact of not seeing the sunlight or not being able of taking my stuffs and getting away to do something else, and that the only time of 'freedom' would be the lunch time. I don't imagine myself in front of my computer for hours and hours, everyday of the week accomplishing goals.

3 comentarios:

  1. I loved your enthusiasm about croosfit, keep it up!

  2. Tamara,

    Congratulations on your commitment, I wish I had the discipline to practice sports like you.

    Please, pay attention to:

    they get paid (of) FOR practicing it and

    A crossfit athlete never surrenderS,

    …maybe it is not far (of) FROM a possible future reality,

    … or not being able TO TALK (of) taking my stuff(s) and …

