miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

The Harlequins

Today I'm going to talk about a piece of art that I've always considered an important part of the identity of my house. First of all, let me tell you that it's definitely not my favorite piece of art, however, I think that it is more important than any.
There are some porcelain dolls that my mother painted and designed the clothes. They used to be more with different styles, ones used to have beautifull dresses and hats, but now we only have two dressed as harlequin. I really don't know why we have kept the creeper ones, but after being afraid years of them, I also started to think that they are pretty.

This are the two harlequins that my mother made, (the third one in the picture I really don't know where it came from)

,  the green and the gold one. If you see, every detail was handmade. The eyes, the hat, the clothes. With their white skin and red lips they stand out even if they are in the darkest corner of the house.

They used to be in the living room, but now they have their place on the dining room. I think that they will be in my house forever, and they also take care of it.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Dawson Island... a place full of memories

During our lives, we have been told that the conquer of any place includes the extinction of the habitants of the territory or the imposition of the new culture by transforming the old ones into slaves.
The situation in Dawson’s Island was not very different to the rest of the story of our country. The story of Dawson’s Island is full of selknam's blood and impositions of the colonial people.
In my opinion the documental was full of critics, but also full of feelings of the people that suffered the fact of being political prisoners just for the reasons of being part of Allende’s government.

I didn't live in that period of the history so I think that I'm not the person with the rights to tell which government was the right or the wrong. However I can say, with all the rights that being a human concerns me, that nobody has the enough power or superiority of taking anyone from their places as a prisoner without any reason. Besides, I believe that the period of the history of Chile was important and the people have the right to visit and know what happened in that place, so nobody can prohibit to Chilean people to visit a place as important as Dawson’s Island. We can let the past in the past, but the memories in the territory will remain.